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Straightforward Artecobags Insulated Lunch Bag With Top Zipper, Solid Black.

Straightforward Artecobags Insulated Lunch Bag With Top Zipper, Solid Black.

When you buy an item of clothing, maybe you will find that the zipper sticks, slips or the teeth do not connect soon. When you are thinking about changing the zipper, you can have a look at the following solutions.Sticking zippers can easily be fixed providing that the zipper is metal, use a lead pencil and run the pencil along the teeth on either side several times. Pull the metal tag up and down the zipper until it glides smoothly, but it will not work if it is a plastic zipper.Metal,plastic or nylon zippers can be repaired aligning both sides together and by slipping each tooth into the oth

In addition to the lunch box and thermos, there are a few extras you will need. These include small resealable containers and plastic flip-top baggies. If you have any small leftover yogurt tubs, the kind with resealable lids, they are excellent for lunch boxes. If you found a sale on 8-ounce containers of store-brand yogurt, it would be worth it to buy a dozen or so. Eat the yogurt. Wash and save the containers for lunch boxes. If this isn’t possible, then you can buy reusable Glad, or Zip-Lock containers in 8 and 4-ounce sizes. They last a long time, and are just the right size for jello, ca

If you absolutely need to buy new thermoses then the greatest selection is in August, right before school starts. I prefer wide-mouthed thermoses, sometimes referred to as insulated food-jars. They come in a standard 10-ounce size, and look exactly like regular lunch box thermoses on the outside. Inside however, their mouths are large enough to put chunky foods inside, like casseroles and beanie-weanies. They are also much easier to clean because of their wide mouths.

I have also seen small cold-only thermoses. They usually hold about 4 to 6-ounces, or about 1/2-cup. The lids go into the freezer overnight, and then chilled food is placed inside the thermos in the morning. By lunch time, the food is still fresh and cold. This works well for homemade pudding, jello, chilled fruit, yogurt, and the like. I used to try to use these for hot things too, but it turned out they only work for cold things. Live and learn.